Power Level 1-60 in 2 weeks!!!
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This is the method the power levelers have used since closed beta and I finally got one of them to give it up. It is by no means the way to go if you want to maximize your experience in the game as this method will bypass almost all the content in the game and essentially ignore many of the fun, unique aspects of WoW. This is not recommended for new players and is meant for players who already have experienced the content and just want to level up an alt to play with their level 60 friends (ie. your level 60 instance group needs a priest and there are no priests to be had). As a benchmark to how successful you are with this, download cosmos and use the clock feature to measure your xp/hour. At level 50 you should be getting about 40,000+/hour. Before we get started, I have to ask the question, is it really possible to level to 60 in 2 weeks? Yes it is, even if its on a new server the average played time from experienced farmers takes about 9 days /played (during a 13 day span) about. The current world record is 4 days 20 hours /played (during an 8 day span), all done by one person who goes by the character name Joana (also sometimes known as Mancow for his male characters), this guy has won many leveling contests, even the first to 50 leveling contest held by Blizzard back in March, here is a pic of the runners up once he hit 50, this guy is amazing. He also sells a leveling guide and a complete 1-60 video showing his exact run of 4 days 20 hours /played time on his site here. Now on to the guide...
1-20: Newbie lands, stick to the friendly zones (not contested). Just grind. The quests are a waste of time up to level 20 if you are focusing on maxing out xp per hour.
20-26: Wetlands quests and raptors/slime/orcs for grinding. Redridge mountain Lakeshire quests.
26-30: Duskwood quests and undead for grinding. Hillsbrad critter roamers for grinding.
30-35: Did these all in a day on Daggerspines in Hillsbrad right next to Southshore along the coast. Huge spawn, very fast respawn rate, easy mobs to kill. Purgation isle (island in the very far Southwest water area of Hillsbrad) also a nice secluded place you can grind on undead.
36-40: Hillsbrad southshore quests. Desolace quests and kodo grinding for 36-38, then Undead Ravagers in the southeast for 38-40. Cresting exiles at the circle of outer binding in Arathi also for 37-41; extremely easy mobs with a fast respawn. Alterac ogres from 35-40 for grinding. Drywhisker kobolds in Arathi east of Hammerfall for 36-39 for grinding.
41-45: Hinterlands trolls, owl beasts, and wolves for grinding and quests. Badlands ogres, gnolls, and quests.
45-48: Tanaris quests and pirates on the eastern paninsula for grinding. Stranglethorn vale quests (only if you need rewards imo). Badlands greater elementals for grinding.
48-52: Felwood deadwood gnolls for grinding and quests from the sanctuary in the south. Blasted lands dreadmauls for grinding. Un'goro crater (best started at 50) for primarily quests and grinding off the plants and tar elementals. Azshara undead highbornes and thunderhead hyppogriffs for grinding.
52-55: Azshara blood elves for grinding. Burning steppes dreadmaul rock ogre caves firegut ogres (very low AC) for grinding. Felwood irontree woods and cave for grinding (great spot). Western plaguelands questing for argent dawn and grinding on undead throughout the various camps.
55-58: Eastern plaguelands quests from the sanctuary, grinding on undead at the ruined towns. Winterspring grinding at winterfall village or Lake Kel'Theril undead highbornes (my personal favorite camp). Blackrock Stronghold in Burning Steppes for grinding.
58-60: "The" yeti cave in Winterspring, due Southeast of Everlook (very nice place). Grosh Gok compound ogres in Deadwind pass (great spot, no one knows about it). Eastern plaguelands Fungal Vale undead grinding and argent dawn token farming. Moonowls in northeast winterspring for grinding.
Two Day Grind
Horde Grinding Spots:
0-15 - Questing fastest possible exp.
15-20 - The Barrens - Harpies *
15-20 - The Barrens - Bristleback(s) *
20-25 - The Barrens - Bael Dun Exavs *
20-25 - Hillsbrad - Hillsbrad Farmers (etc)
22-26 - Thousand Needles - Galak Scouts (etc) *
26-30 - Hillsbrad - Mud Gnolls *
25-30 - Thousand Needles - Grimtotems
30-38 - Shimmering Flats - All monsters. *
38-40 - Dustwallow Swamp - Very North East Islands, Murlock Warriors/Oracles.
Horde And Alliance Grinding Spots:
40-46 - Feralas - Woodpaws (stay away from the ones that disease for
slow casting speeds) **
46-48 - Feralas - Frayfeather Skystormers *
48-50 - Feralas - Harpies
48-51 - Southwest of Gadgetzan - Thistleshrubs *
50-54 - Western Plaguelands - First 'field' to the left, assorted monsters.
54-60 - Western Plaguelands - Scarlet Lumberjacks
52-60 - Eastern Dire Maul - Lashers ****
* = Recommended
EXP Rates:
Levels 30-40 = 18-20k exp/hour
Levels 40-51 = 20-25k exp/hour
Levels 52-60 = 40-50k exp/hour (Dire Maul)
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World of Warcraft
Jame's Leveling Guides
James Leveling Guides are okay leveling guides that I have used before, somewhat detailed with some pictures and every thing you need to level from1 to 70. James alliance guide is free, however if your willing to spend a little money you can obtain a much better leveling guide for alliance that is much more detailed here at this site. And a much better horde leveling guide at this site here.
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The two most detailed leveling guides for World of Warcraft currently are Penn's 1-80 alliance guide (mentioned above) and Joana's Horde Leveling guide. Both Penn and Joana are well known professional speed runners and have developed much better leveling guides than Jame.
Both of these guides are quest-grind type leveling, which is the fastest way to level up in world of warcraft. I have been using both Joana's and Penn's leveling guides for quick reference on quests to get, and the order to do them, and when to do the instances, both are extremely helpful in your leveling efforts. And they are both much better than James, I only recommend using James if you have no money to spend on premium paid guides. But from my experience, the paid guides are a much better investment as far as saving time on your leveling. Hope this helps!
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Click Here For The Biggest WOW Secret
The two most detailed leveling guides for World of Warcraft currently are Penn's 1-80 alliance guide (mentioned above) and Joana's Horde Leveling guide. Both Penn and Joana are well known professional speed runners and have developed much better leveling guides than Jame.
Both of these guides are quest-grind type leveling, which is the fastest way to level up in world of warcraft. I have been using both Joana's and Penn's leveling guides for quick reference on quests to get, and the order to do them, and when to do the instances, both are extremely helpful in your leveling efforts. And they are both much better than James, I only recommend using James if you have no money to spend on premium paid guides. But from my experience, the paid guides are a much better investment as far as saving time on your leveling. Hope this helps!
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Horde 1-60 Leveling Guide (40-60)
Horde Leveling 40-60
Instance Leveling.
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-Instance leveling is the fastest way to power-level. You will need a steady group from here , but the time investment is not as large as soloing.
The First dungeon you should head to is Uldaman in the Badlands.
Quests :
-PreReq :Necklace Recovery
-Start with Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.
Quest => Necklace recovery part 2.
-Start with Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.
Translating the journal (Part 3) The man who can translated the journal is there.
Reclaimed Treasures
-Start in Undercity. Dk the npc !
Power Stones
-Start with Rigglefuzz in the Badlands , south of the Anger Fortress.
Solution to Doom
-Starts with Theldurin the Lost in Badlands.
At this point you can go to Razorfin downs instance in the barrens for good quests. They all start inside of the instance. If you want to go there.
The next instance is The Temple of Atal'Hakkar in the Swamp of sorrows. Good place to level by grinding.
Quests :
Pools of tears (Part 1)
-Starts with Fel'zerul
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
-Starts with Fel'zerul.
Into the Depths
-Starts with Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris. Here
Secret of the Circle
-Starts with Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris.
Jammal'an the Prophet
-Starts with Atal'ai ExileThe Hinterlands
-You have to clear the 5 or 6 bosses in the lower circle to open the barrier that prevents you from reaching him.
The essence of eranikus
-Starts inside the temple.
-When you kill Eranikus he drops a gem the party can loot and then you turn it in to the font in his chamber.
Next one : Blackreock Depths
Quest :
Dark Iron Legacy
-Start with Franclorn Forgewright in Blackrock Mountain.
Yuka Screwspigot (part 1)
-Starts with Yorba Screwspigot in Tanaris.Here
Part 2 for the instance
-Starts with Yuka Screwspigot Here
The love Potion
-Starts with Mistress Nagmara in Blackrock Depths.
The Heart of the Mountain
-Starts with Maxwort Uberglint in Burning Steppes Here
A test of Flame
-Starts with Cyrus Therepentous There
Commander Gor'Shak
-Starts with Galamav the Marksman in the Badlands Here
Kill on sight : Dark Iron Dwarves.
-Wanted one Here.
KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials
-Starts after the Dwarves.
The Eastern Kingdom
-Start with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
The last Element
-Starts with Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in the Badlands Here
What's going on ?
-Starts with Commander Gor'Shak (after the other quest)
Disharmony of fire
-Starts with Thunderheart in the Badlands Here
Operation : Death to Angerforge
-Starts with Warlord Goretooth in the Badlands Here
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The rise of the machines
-Starts with Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands Here
The royal Rescue
-Starts with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
Next instance : Blackrock Spire.
Kibler's exotic Pets
-Starts with Kibler in the Burning Stepps. Here
-Starts with Kibler in the burning Stepps.
Urok Doomhowl
-Starts with Warosh inside the Spire.
The pack mistress
-Starts with Galamav the marksman in the badlands. Here
Bijou Belongings
-Start with Bijou in the Spire.
Bijou's reconnaissance Report (second part)
Seal of ascension
-Starts with Vaelan inside the Spire.
The Matron Protectrate
-Start with Awbee inside the Spire.
Warlord's Command (Series quest)
-Starts as a loot in the spire.
For The Horde !
-Start with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
Ok , now the two last intances are Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands and Scholomance in the western Plaugelands. You shouldn't go here unless you're level 58 , but once get to go their , your last two levels come very quickly.
Let's start by Straholme :
The Flesh does not lie (Prereq)
-Starts with Betina Bigglezink in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
The Active Agent
-Start with Betina Bigglezink , after the Flesh does no lie.
The Archivist
-Start with Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Houses of the Holy
-Starts with Leonid Barthalomew the Revered in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
The great Fras Siabi
-Starts with Smokey LaRue in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Above and Beyond
-Starts with Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff in the Eastern Plaguelands Here.
-Starts with Seril Scourgebane in the Winterspring Here.
And last Scholomance :
Plagued Hatchlings
-Starts with Betina Bigglezink in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Barov Family Fortune
-Starts with Alexi Barov in Tirisfal Glades Here
Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
-Starts with Eva Sarkhoff in Western Plaguelands Here
Krastinov's bag of horrors
-Starts with Eva Sarkhoff in Western Plaguelands Here
Health Dragon Scales
-Starts with a drop from inside Scholomance.
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Enjoy :)
Instance Leveling.
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-Instance leveling is the fastest way to power-level. You will need a steady group from here , but the time investment is not as large as soloing.
The First dungeon you should head to is Uldaman in the Badlands.
Quests :
-PreReq :Necklace Recovery
-Start with Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.
Quest => Necklace recovery part 2.
-Start with Dran Droffers in Orgrimmar.
Translating the journal (Part 3) The man who can translated the journal is there.
Reclaimed Treasures
-Start in Undercity. Dk the npc !
Power Stones
-Start with Rigglefuzz in the Badlands , south of the Anger Fortress.
Solution to Doom
-Starts with Theldurin the Lost in Badlands.
At this point you can go to Razorfin downs instance in the barrens for good quests. They all start inside of the instance. If you want to go there.
The next instance is The Temple of Atal'Hakkar in the Swamp of sorrows. Good place to level by grinding.
Quests :
Pools of tears (Part 1)
-Starts with Fel'zerul
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
-Starts with Fel'zerul.
Into the Depths
-Starts with Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris. Here
Secret of the Circle
-Starts with Marvon Rivetseeker in Tanaris.
Jammal'an the Prophet
-Starts with Atal'ai ExileThe Hinterlands
-You have to clear the 5 or 6 bosses in the lower circle to open the barrier that prevents you from reaching him.
The essence of eranikus
-Starts inside the temple.
-When you kill Eranikus he drops a gem the party can loot and then you turn it in to the font in his chamber.
Next one : Blackreock Depths
Quest :
Dark Iron Legacy
-Start with Franclorn Forgewright in Blackrock Mountain.
Yuka Screwspigot (part 1)
-Starts with Yorba Screwspigot in Tanaris.Here
Part 2 for the instance
-Starts with Yuka Screwspigot Here
The love Potion
-Starts with Mistress Nagmara in Blackrock Depths.
The Heart of the Mountain
-Starts with Maxwort Uberglint in Burning Steppes Here
A test of Flame
-Starts with Cyrus Therepentous There
Commander Gor'Shak
-Starts with Galamav the Marksman in the Badlands Here
Kill on sight : Dark Iron Dwarves.
-Wanted one Here.
KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials
-Starts after the Dwarves.
The Eastern Kingdom
-Start with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
The last Element
-Starts with Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in the Badlands Here
What's going on ?
-Starts with Commander Gor'Shak (after the other quest)
Disharmony of fire
-Starts with Thunderheart in the Badlands Here
Operation : Death to Angerforge
-Starts with Warlord Goretooth in the Badlands Here
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The rise of the machines
-Starts with Lotwil Veriatus in the Badlands Here
The royal Rescue
-Starts with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
Next instance : Blackrock Spire.
Kibler's exotic Pets
-Starts with Kibler in the Burning Stepps. Here
-Starts with Kibler in the burning Stepps.
Urok Doomhowl
-Starts with Warosh inside the Spire.
The pack mistress
-Starts with Galamav the marksman in the badlands. Here
Bijou Belongings
-Start with Bijou in the Spire.
Bijou's reconnaissance Report (second part)
Seal of ascension
-Starts with Vaelan inside the Spire.
The Matron Protectrate
-Start with Awbee inside the Spire.
Warlord's Command (Series quest)
-Starts as a loot in the spire.
For The Horde !
-Start with Thrall in Orgrimmar.
Ok , now the two last intances are Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands and Scholomance in the western Plaugelands. You shouldn't go here unless you're level 58 , but once get to go their , your last two levels come very quickly.
Let's start by Straholme :
The Flesh does not lie (Prereq)
-Starts with Betina Bigglezink in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
The Active Agent
-Start with Betina Bigglezink , after the Flesh does no lie.
The Archivist
-Start with Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Houses of the Holy
-Starts with Leonid Barthalomew the Revered in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
The great Fras Siabi
-Starts with Smokey LaRue in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Above and Beyond
-Starts with Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff in the Eastern Plaguelands Here.
-Starts with Seril Scourgebane in the Winterspring Here.
And last Scholomance :
Plagued Hatchlings
-Starts with Betina Bigglezink in the Eastern Plaguelands Here
Barov Family Fortune
-Starts with Alexi Barov in Tirisfal Glades Here
Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
-Starts with Eva Sarkhoff in Western Plaguelands Here
Krastinov's bag of horrors
-Starts with Eva Sarkhoff in Western Plaguelands Here
Health Dragon Scales
-Starts with a drop from inside Scholomance.
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Enjoy :)
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